If you live in Meadowcreek please take a few minutes to take our survey. We want to know what you think!

Friday, January 29, 2010


If you attended the annual member meeting and election of new board members, you might remember the announcement by then President Doug Parker regarding the election results. Also, remember and make note of the fact that the meeting was obviously under the direction of Mr. Parker.

After the results were made public, the board consisted of the following nine individuals (in alphabetical order):

Willie Jones
Mildred Mills
Kenneth Murphy
Doug Parker
Philip Philipose
Eugene Placke
Milbry Smith
Terry Strickland
Claude Whittaker

In other words, we had a full board. No vacancies or resignations were stated and no positions were declared to be open. The By-laws clearly state (Paragraph 5.3) that the corporation shall have nine sitting members.

You might also note that the same By-laws, in Paragraph 5.7 call for a regular meeting of the new board immediately following and at the same place as the annual meeting of the members. This meeting, apparently, was not held. Instead, we now find the following announcement posted on the Meadowcreek website:


The Meadowcreek Board Member Orientation and Reivew is scheduled for January 30, 2010 (Tentatively set for 10:00 a.m.)

This is an exact copy of the announcement as posted, and the misspelled word (review) and misuse of proper grammar (is/are) is the responsibility of the poster and not the blogger. The announcement does not indicate whether or not this meeting is “regular” and open or something special and closed (read this as private and we do not want you to know what is going on).

It is a good bet, however, that the sudden appearance of Mr. Hamner in the at large position 7 will be discussed. Mr. Hamner, remember, was running against Mr. Murphy for Position 2 and was defeated. How he suddenly returned to the board in Position 7, when we had a full board, and no meeting of the new (entire) board was held to discuss any opening remains a mystery. Actions of this type require a meeting and both a quorum and majority vote before they are legal (Paragraph 5.6 of the By-laws).

Therefore – If you have the time, you might consider being at the clubhouse on January 30th at 10 AM to support the new board members. If the meeting is a regular open meeting then plan to attend. If closed, ask why.

In addition, please do not forget the next scheduled meeting on February 11 at 7 PM (second Thursday). Plan to attend and support our new members. Become active in the affairs of our neighborhood. It can only result in your being better informed and a real part of the governing process.

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