If you live in Meadowcreek please take a few minutes to take our survey. We want to know what you think!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Several comments made in the most recent newsletter sent to our members simply defy reason. Let’s take them one at a time:

1. The writer indicates that the Board is “happy to know” that the community is monitored closely by resident homeowners. The writer indicates a “welcome” for more to get involved. I guess that the actions at the April meeting, including going into executive session and throwing homeowners out of the meeting shows exactly how “happy” they really are. Then, attempting to throw out the new board members reflects their happiness. Then notifying homeowners that had signed up to speak that they could come in one at a time to address the board, effectively insuring that other homeowners could not hear and comment on what was said reflects their happiness and joy.

2. The writer refers to “false allegations” from a few homeowners, but fails to identify what allegations are false. They invite us to come out and show our support, but fail to say what we should support. Is “secrecy” an action that deserves support? Is operating in a manner that does not support free and open discussion something to support?

3. The $100 increase was again referenced as an operational necessity. Frivolous spending and/or misappropriated spending among past board members were also mentioned. How many unanswered questions have you heard at prior meetings regarding how our money is being spent? Has any old board member made an adequate explanation as to how the expenses of the town homes are being met? What money is being used when the financials that the board provides shows a negative balance in the town home fund?

4. Then the writer makes an appeal for everyone to “be a voice against” dragging our community’s name in the mud over and over again, in the news (television), newspapers and internet blogs, etc. This is nothing more than asking each of us to support secrecy, and to stop those who feel that freedom to express ones opinion is both a right and a privilege in our society. Do you want to support anything that curtails these rights? The picture showing a group of people huddled together with their backs to everyone else truly portrays how the “old board” would like to operate.

Your comments, as always, are welcomed. Become a follower. Stay informed!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


City council member Russell Jones (also Mayor Pro Tem) of Sugarland recently presented testimony to the Texas Senate committee investigating HOA foreclosures. During testimony, he defended the current laws dealing with the right of HOA's to foreclose, and also presented a position paper of the City of Sugarland (10-15) that also reflects an attitude of protecting the HOA's as an important part of the city. The Sugarland document can be viewed at:


What Mr. Jones failed to reveal is the number of cases Holoway Jones has filed in Fort Bend County Courts over the past several years on behalf of HOA's, through an associate attorney that works for the firm.

Mr. Lewis Smith IV, state bar number 00794656, employed by the Holoway Jones firm has filed hundreds of cases against homeowners since 2006. This represents possible attorney fees in the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in income to the firm. You might recall that Lewis "Chip" Smith is the attorney that hangs around during Meadowcreek HOA meetings.

Mr. Jones never mentioned his relationship (partner) with Holoway Jones. In fact, he presented himself as a Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem of the great City of Sugarland, and testified as such. The testimony is available at the 1:58 mark in the audio recording available at:

http://www.senate.state.tx.us/75r/Senate/commit/c520/c520.htm (April 7th Audio)

Another speaker discussed Mr. Jones testimony at the 2:15 mark on the audio, explaining the relationship Holoway Jones has with several HOA’s in the Missouri City – Sugarland area, causing some concern with his testimony. It seemed that several members of the committee were sorry that he had left.