If you live in Meadowcreek please take a few minutes to take our survey. We want to know what you think!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


By now you have probably received an invoice for the annual Assessment. Please make note of the due dates. The invoice probably indicates that late accounts will be turned over to the attorney on March 01, 2010 for collection and MAY include late fees, attorneys fees, and other collection costs. Honesty would have dictated that the wording be WILL include all of the aforementioned extra charges. You do have until January 31st to pay, but make sure that you have your cancelled check in hand before that date.

Then – a nice letter from Prez Parker urging us to sign another proxy that would allow him and the rest of the board to pass any matters that they like during the next eleven months. This form kinda looks like a ballot, but in reality is so much more. The final sentence reads “The holder of this proxy is further authorized to cast my vote on all other matters to come before the meeting as my proxy shall determine”. Another way of saying that if enough proxies are collected, the increase in annual assessments and the changes in deed restrictions will be “back on the table”.

Please – DON’T SIGN THIS PROXY! If you have then tear it up. Come to the meeting to vote your preferences. Stop the abuse of the proxy by this board!

Finally, copy the following link to the blog and send it to all of your Meadowcreek friends and neighbors and ask that they read this warning. Help get the warning out to all.

Attend the annual meeting. If you cannot, find someone you trust to vote your preferences. And we already know that the present board doesn’t qualify for this important position.


  1. A proxy is to allow someone else to cast a vote for you, if you feel this is the best choice for you. Nobody has to sign the proxy. If a homeowner goes to the meeting they can vote how they choose. If they don't want to be involved, they can have someone else chosen to vote for them. If they want to be completely taken out of the whole process then they can CHOOSE to have the president as their proxy. This is essential when there are decisions to be made and votes that need to be cast, and only FIVE people coming to the meetings! When people don't show up to cast their votes because of their lack of concern, what is the board left with? We spend a lot of energy complaining and pointing fingers but it gets us nowhere. There is not a conspiracy here. We are all here to make a better community together. What is the point of being rude or sarcastic? Let's focus on issues that affect all of us and stop taking things as a personal attack.

  2. Oh dear Candace (whoever you might be), the one thing I am certain of is your lack of knowledge regarding the past and current works of this board. (Present state). I would give you a “C” for your general understanding of Proxies; an “F” because you have no idea how this board has profited from ignorant folks who have no clue as to what they are signing. Perhaps if you attend the Annual Meeting, you might learn a bit more. However, let us not deal with something as civil as Proxies; let’s address your “conspiracy” comment but in the context of criminal activity.

    Assume that you will pay your $180 this year (unless you desire to experience the wrath of this board’s attorney – say, at about $3000 in penalties) and the board takes on the fiduciary duty (by way of Corporate By-Laws) PROMISES to earmark your $180 solely for the upkeep of the Swimming Pool, Infamous Tennis Courts, and Clubhouse. Now, one day you finally convince the board of your right to review accounting records (which they have denied us for years) and you learn that the board used your $180 to repair MY HOME and cover MY INSURANCE. I suspect that you would be a little pissed to learn that you were misled and that the board violated a LEGAL PROMISE.

    When you get some real time look at the Townhome budget and the small amount of revenue the board takes in from their assessments (low $50K when they collect from all 41 units). Now, consider that the Association spent about $150,000 or more for repairs to the townhomes “in 2009”. Where do you think the board got the money to pay for the repairs Candace? Oh yeah, I forgot that the board borrowed a $110,000 in 2009 for Townhome repairs. However, who should the board assess to pay off the loan; you or the Townhome members? If you cannot answer quickly, you are in denial. By the way, I should tell you that the Townhome members have their own mortgages. Truth be Told - YOU and I and the rest of the “Single-family” home members paid for the majority of Townhome repairs and are more than likely paying back a loan that should have been assessed against Townhome members ONLY. NOW I AM PISSED!!!!. That’s right Candace -- your $180 payment was used to benefit someone else’s mortgage, including landlords who profit from townhome rentals?

    Candace, I do not know if this small example constitutes “conspiracy” or not but I do know that if true, it borders on common fraud under the law. I suspect that that you do not know that “single family” home deed restrictions are separate and apart from Townhome and Patio Home deed restrictions and that the Association must govern accordingly. This is not a ‘feel good” garden club Candace -- this is an Association governed by Corporate LAW.

    I would encourage you to do your research – you are apparently new to this process or have been in slumber for quite a while. Remember that an HOA is a quasi-political entity with more power than most municipalities. Wake up…and really help your community by getting to the root cause of why almost 741 members are in disenfranchised mode.

  3. A signed proxy allows the holder of the proxy to vote as they see fit. Any board member holding a proxy will vote in a fashion that supports the board. Anyone who has signed one of the forms sent out by the present board needs to revoke same unless they are just thrilled with the way the present board operates.

    Stop the abuse! Revoke any proxy signed and show up at the meeting and make your own decision.


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