If you live in Meadowcreek please take a few minutes to take our survey. We want to know what you think!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


In the past it’s been said that the tone of this blog can be a little sarcastic. I don’t know why anyone would think that. The author try’s hard to keep the information as factual as possible, and only resorts to humor and sarcasms when nothing else seems to work.

So – let’s get a little sarcastic. On November 6th, 2009 a group of fine neighbors sent a letter requesting financial information for 2008 and 2009 to our illustrious board president Doug Parker. This request was sent under the provisions of the Public Information Act, and requested the information and supporting documents be made available for inspection.

Under the Act, the board had ten (10) days to respond. Guess what – nothing happened and no documents were made available. Then at the December 10th meeting, someone questioned the board as to when the request would be honored. The fine attorney representing the board indicated that there was a lot of information involved, and that a CD would be made available with the information requested. To date that has also not happened.

Now a quick review of what’s transpired:

1. The board failed to respond in a timely fashion (10 days).

2. The attorney, almost 34 days later indicated that the information was going to be provided in a manner that was not as requested.

3. Thirteen days later NOTHING has been provided.

And a few folks wonder why we get sarcastic and don’t trust our board. I think that it’s quite evident that they have not earned our trust. What are they hiding? What do they feel the need to conceal? Why don’t they just leave?

And finally – why haven’t the folks who made the request gone a step further? A meeting with the Fort Bend District Attorney might be in order. Or if that fails, a Writ of Mandamus might be the solution. How about a group of Meadowcreek neighbors getting together and putting some dollars into a legal fund and forcing the board to come clean.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


By now you have probably received an invoice for the annual Assessment. Please make note of the due dates. The invoice probably indicates that late accounts will be turned over to the attorney on March 01, 2010 for collection and MAY include late fees, attorneys fees, and other collection costs. Honesty would have dictated that the wording be WILL include all of the aforementioned extra charges. You do have until January 31st to pay, but make sure that you have your cancelled check in hand before that date.

Then – a nice letter from Prez Parker urging us to sign another proxy that would allow him and the rest of the board to pass any matters that they like during the next eleven months. This form kinda looks like a ballot, but in reality is so much more. The final sentence reads “The holder of this proxy is further authorized to cast my vote on all other matters to come before the meeting as my proxy shall determine”. Another way of saying that if enough proxies are collected, the increase in annual assessments and the changes in deed restrictions will be “back on the table”.

Please – DON’T SIGN THIS PROXY! If you have then tear it up. Come to the meeting to vote your preferences. Stop the abuse of the proxy by this board!

Finally, copy the following link to the blog and send it to all of your Meadowcreek friends and neighbors and ask that they read this warning. Help get the warning out to all.

Attend the annual meeting. If you cannot, find someone you trust to vote your preferences. And we already know that the present board doesn’t qualify for this important position.

Friday, December 11, 2009


It is somewhat amazing. One month after the meeting that was attended by hundreds of residents, another meeting of the Meadowcreek Association was held. This time only thirteen residents showed up. That’s right folks! Only thirteen of seven hundred forty one. And we wonder why the Board continues to think that no one really cares about what happens.

Of interest, a draft budget was passed around. This draft contained many errors, and there were many mistakes evident. In fact, the rows frequently failed to add up to correct totals. Now this budget did contain a row for accounting and outside CPA fees that totaled $9250.00 for the year. Wonder where the accountant was when the draft was made. He or she was really needed to make sure that the draft was accurate.

A question was offered from the floor regarding the recent request for public information on finances. Lewis “Chip” Smith (attorney) indicated that they were going to respond with a CD that would contain all of the information requested. He was little evasive when asked why the delay, saying that it was a lot of information to compile.

Other questions seemed to center on the expenditures for repairs to the Town Homes, insurance on same, etc. This area still needs to be completely explained. The Board and attorney all denied knowledge of any pending legal actions or demands that might adversely affect our Association.

Finally, heartfelt thanks to those residents that took the time to attend the meeting. And for those that didn’t – a big brrrraaaaccckkkk. How can you expect a few to protect your interests when you so obviously don’t really care?

Wake Up!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Thanks to those of you who are participating in the Meadowcreek Neighborhood News blog. It’s important for everyone to be able to see several opinions on some matters that are critical to our neighborhoods viability. Hopefully more individuals will sign up and take a few minutes to voice their concerns.

Of even more importance, be sure to attend the December 10th meeting at 7 P.M. at the clubhouse. This will be an opportunity to ask the Board many questions (unless they once again shut everything down) before the annual meeting in January. Many questions simply must be addressed - and if the present Board doesn’t feel the need to do so they might consider resigning. Who wants a Board that spends all of their time concealing the real state of affairs?

Last but certainly not least - it’s time for some concerned residents to “throw their hats into the ring”. Have you considered running for one of the open positions? Meadowcreek needs some honest and clear thinking folks to step up and get our association back on track. People who will take the responsibility seriously and work to bring fiscal responsibility back. People who understand that a budget must be balanced - you simply cannot continue to spend money that you don’t have. We don’t do this at home.

See you at the meeting!