If you live in Meadowcreek please take a few minutes to take our survey. We want to know what you think!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Remember when someone on the old board stated that foreclosure as a means of collection was seldom used? If you read the November 17th Independent and perhaps took a look at the Constable's Sales listed on Page 5, you might have noticed that four (4) Meadowcreek homes are scheduled for sale on the 7th day of December 2010.

One home had an association debt of $198 plus attorney fees and costs and reached an "agreed judgement". The home value is shown as $170,040 and the amount due under the agreement is $2443 plus costs.

Another had an association debt of $149 plus attorney fees and costs and the court awarded a "default judgement". The home value is shown as $129,950, and the amount due under the judgement is $2000 plus costs.

The other two were similar with default judgements awarded in the $3200 range which included $3000 in attorney fees on each.

This shows that someone is less than truthful when asked about Association foreclosures. It also shows how a homeowner can lose their home over what many would consider an insignificant sum (before the attorneys get involved).

Kinda makes you want to cry - a family home put up on the auction block during what can only be considered difficult times. Remember - yours could be the next victim of this travesty.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Take The Survey

Meadowcreek Neighborhood News has a survey running to determine the issues considered to be most important to our members. You can access this survey by clicking the following link:


The results of the survey will be posted on this website. Click on the link and take the survey - it's short and will only take a minute or so of your time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meadowcreek "Old Board" at it Again

By now, you have probably received your annual statement from the Meadowcreek Association. As in the past, they have included a Proxy form that is designed to keep certain board members in place. The proxy indicates only individuals that were placed on the board by the old members. It also included Mildred Mills for Section 3 – you might remember that Ms. Mills was voted off the board recently.

In addition to the Proxy, the envelope included a letter from these fine folks that indicates the Association is out of money. The funny thing here is that the letter does not include the names of the board members elected at the last annual meeting. The treasurer, Willie Jones, is also not indicated as a sender.

By the way, they also included an order of business for the annual meeting. It included in Paragraph 6 a report from officers. They have neglected to show the Association Treasurer as a officer of the Association. I guess they do not want Mr. Jones to have an opportunity to “tell it like it is” before the election. Mr. Strickland's notice of annual meeting indicates that only four positions will be filled in the election. Actually, five positions will be addressed at this meeting (1,3,5,7 and 9). Wonder which one he plans to fill before the members have an opportunity to vote?

Now the question becomes – why would anyone execute a Proxy in favor of keeping members on a board that admits they have bankrupted our Association. If you feel you must execute a Proxy, please indicate Willie Jones, Milbrey Smith or Kenneth Murphy as your Proxy holder and insure that the Proxy form is hand delivered to the individual appointed. We must stop this abuse of power, and elect a board that will consider fiscal responsibility a prime goal.

Please – DO NOT SIGN THE PROXY ALLOWING THE PRESIDENT OF THE CORPORATION TO VOTE FOR YOU! This will only allow the situation to continue to deteriorate. Allow one of the reform board members (Jones, Smith, Murphy) to vote for you if you cannot attend the meeting.

Let’s get the word out now. Let your Meadowcreek friends and neighbors know what's happening. Have them visit http://meadowcreekneighborhoodnews.blogspot.com/ for the latest.